Sunday, December 29, 2024

Springtime Desolation

From our fancy cars to our cozy homes, filled to the brim with things of comfort 
and instantaneous joys, what hounds us - what emptiness hoovers our lives.

we boast of our wisdom and marvel at our heavy, expensive volumes
of Homer and Plato and Emily and Gandhi.
Decorated tombs of men and women of yore. 

we meet at poetry readings and laugh and drink and squeeze energy from
the newly supple spring air.
Breathe us the mirth.

this could be the New York School of Poetry of our times or the immigrant
generation of the Beats. Or a nothinger in a sea of other nothingnesses. 

nights are blue and virile, ripe with sparkling charms.
And stars are good at being the deadbeat masses of gas and dirt. 

but the emptiness still hounds us.  


Anant Dhavale

(This poem was recently published in the “This Broken Shore” magazine. )

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

A Ghazal

 A Ghazal

In heart's alleys, a singular halo of sadness remains
In a little nook of mind, a lingering darkness remains

Forgotten shores, lapping and frothing waves, warmer banks of sands
Memory's broken figment, a shadowy lightness remains

I’ve been what I’ve been, a stranger and a wanderer even
Not her though, like steadfast angelic light, her kindness remains

Under the canopy of countless stars and a brighter moon
A doubt lurks, a question hums and hums, a lonesomeness remains

How we have walked along these uncertain and weary roads
And though the perils are forgotten, the awareness remains


Anant Dhavale

(I wrote this Ghazal in simple syllabic verse to match the cadence the genre requires..)

Thursday, November 28, 2024


sub-tropical marsh
an alligator meditates
lilies peek out


Anant Dhavale 

[Haikus for the Everglades]

Sunday, November 17, 2024


If you’ve loved me unconditionally
And I have failed to reciprocate
You should know I am not the one

Love demands steadfast devotion
But I am a mere leaf in the wind
Do not mourn for me if I float away 

I abandon the tree that birthed me
When times change and colors fade

The wind carries my judgment and
When it beckons, I have to go away. 


Anant Dhavale

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Amber rises the moon

Beneath - thick green woods
A jubilant river makes its way through the gorge

Rims of gray hang around a few stray clouds

Silvery silhouettes float away
in tandem - a swift movement of tectonic plates

Amber moon melts away
in the distance - a smoke, a pallid hue spreads.


Anant Dhavale

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Recent poems

I've written much these days but have not published here since most publications insist on previously unpublished stuff. Prominent ones include "One Flat Microcosm," "Daughters of Israel," "Springtime Desolation," "Sisterhood of Dukhha," and "Civilization is a Zero Sum Game."

"One Flat Microcosm," and "Springtime Desolation," are published in "This Broken Shore," magazine. 

Friday, October 25, 2024


What affinity brought us closer
And kept us together  -

Us, the otherwise molecules
In randomness.


Anant Dhavale

( Simpler verses)

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Poetry reading this month

 I am featuring at the Riverread poetry series at Redbank NJ later this week. I intend to read some of my longer poems, and may be end with a few haikus. 

Saturday, September 28, 2024


lush red cranberries 
aren’t just the only thing
you could crave for


Anant Dhavale

Friday, September 6, 2024


Things lose shine

stuff gets in the way

letters remain unread

Memory makes way for 

newer delights 

and a thousand reasons emerge

to forget

Much rains but little remains 

in this mad dash we call life.


Anant Dhavale

Saturday, August 31, 2024


under the tiny  

shadows of grass-blades 

a thief steals nectar


Anant Dhavale


 the dirt was still wet 

when travelers walked by

 paving another path


Anant Dhavale


the glacier melts 

of its own accord 

a quest unfurls


Anant Dhavale

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Recent poetry acceptances

Recent poetry acceptances - This Broken Shore, The Mid Atlantic Review, Minute Musings, Novabards 24. A big thank you to all the editors!


 memory becomes  

a misty windowpane  

a careful blur


Anant Dhavale


how loquacious are 

these silent hours of the night 

raconteurs of life


Anant Dhavale


 the glacier melts

of its own accord

a quest unfurls

. Anant Dhavale

Sunday, August 18, 2024


things observed 

on a long walk 

faces, voices, trees


Anant Dhavale


through the clutter

of raindrops, I see

time -drenched and slowed


Anant Dhavale


wind howls

this morning, like it

means business 


Anant Dhavale


when on humid

nights, I can’t sleep

I think of you 


Anant Dhavale


you, in my thoughts

linger like a brook

playful yet serene


Anant Dhavale


a bird perched up high

in a tree - feels the truth

it cannot explain 


Anant Dhavale

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Poetry reading at NYC

 I will be a featured reader at the Phoenix Poetry series this Monday. I plan to read a few of my experimental poems - a cross-fusion of forms. Do show up if you are in New York City!


a primal train scream 

shards strewn astray 

summer in its full glory 


Anant Dhavale


sitting in the car

trying to decipher 

the raindrop code 


Anant Dhavale


cloudy morning 
something flaps in the wind
a subdued beginning 


Anant Dhavale


 through the clutter 

of raindrops, I see 

time - drenched and slowed 


Anant Dhavale


wind howls 

this morning, like it 

means business 


Anant Dhavale


and when the 

wind picked up, the woods 

hummed on a wave.


Anant Dhavale

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

City, river and lights

NOTE - I have re-written and edited this poem. It is now called " One Flat Microcosm," and is slated to be published in the upcoming issue of the "This Broken Shore" magazine. 

This city was built around a river

along its twists and turns

her lights float of the blue- gray of the river

like stars scattered at random

for a window watcher - the river, the city

and the lights, all seem one. One all in its 



Anant Dhavale

Monday, May 6, 2024


spring falters

on the banks of 

returning cold


Anant Dhavale


a Sonata rises

up up up the skies

śūnyatā un-changed


Anant Dhavale


all I can think of today

are her crystal clear eyes

looking into mine


Anant Dhavale


rainy morning wraps

the metropolis in a mist

of being and nothing-ness


Anant Dhavale


patter of raindrops

like a stranger's knock

tuck tuckety cluck


Anant Dhavale

Thursday, February 1, 2024


the tree knows

it has to grow

as tall as it can


Anant Dhavale

Friday, January 26, 2024

Some more Haikus


scattered is how 

is what has happened 

to the dewdrops 


cold days of winter 

a thought remains frozen 

waiting for the thaw


cold nights 

frozen amber skies

myths re-told


what does the bird seek

ocean, fish, mates?

some unspoken truth? 


Anant Dhavale

Haiku Marathon- 3


a transition flows 

through out heart

autumn, winter, spring 


but then again

time is a notion

akin to the faceless wind


soon we will forget 

the blizzards, the frost 

such flows time


Anant Dhavale

Haiku Marathon 2


transition is what is 

and was and will be 

things end and resume


imagination is 

a boat, weather- torn 

for- lorn and alone


a tower emerges 

from the mist 

like a myth, a legend 


Anant Dhavale

Haiku Marathon 1

 I did a Haiku Marathon of sorts, and this is the outcome. Some of these may need work further but here’s for now -


scattered beneath

the crescent blue moon 

a million stories 


the slow patter 

of raindrops

a sonata of loneliness 


driving in rain

on long blue nights 

quiet hum of time


Anant Dhavale

Saturday, January 13, 2024


Now this calm, now this tumult

how we’ve closed these circles - a lapse,

a gossamer of things gone, things to be 

When old age strikes, and we wince and writhe in pain, what would these loves mean then? Broken statuettes of yore. Faded artifacts from another time.

Guilt hangs from the gilded gates - 

years recounted, faces rehashed 

This, here is how looking back looks like 


Anant Dhavale 

Copyright © Anant Dhavale

Monday, January 1, 2024

Customary new year scribble

 Another year has passed us by -

this modicum of life,

a fragment that will linger 

in our memories 

a blur

a dot

in the whirlwind ocean 

that is our lifetime.


Anant Dhavale

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A million years

A million years On whose shoulders perches the Eagle? Who mourns through gusts of the eastern rushing winds? A boy who grew up in dullne...